The Verse I live by:

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hello to all:

I’m tired; yes! Tired of all that we are hearing and seeing in the news. Tired of hearing that Lives Matter. Truth is; it does not matter what your skin color is or what profession you work in. YOUR LIFE MATTERS; PERIOD. When Jesus Christ laid down His life; he laid it down for all of mankind, regardless of Color, Culture, or anything else for that matter. Your life is precious to Him. It is the Human Race that has decreased the value of human life. Does not the Word of God state; “Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself” I know for a fact that we like to pamper ourselves.

I am also tired of hearing about so many infants and toddlers being abused, beaten or murdered. Children are a gift from God. We are to raise them up, and teach them the Word of God, not destroy them at such an early age.

Also; I’m tired of hearing about so many people, regardless of age missing from their homes and communities. No telling how they end up, or even if they are ever found.

One of the things that really bother me is the news we hear of so many drug overdoses taking place in our nation. Drugs have, and are destroying many, many lives due to this horrible addiction.

One last thing of many I could write about; What is going on in our schools? Stabbings, Mass Shootings, copy-cat murder and hatred. Seems like our children/grandchildren are not safe traveling to school or while they are at school.

Is it any wonder that all these things are taking place in our world? We have taken God and His Word out of our schools; we have taken His Commandments off the walls of our public buildings; we have basically told God to leave us alone as a nation. GOD HELP US; and He will if we ask Him too. This Great Nation of ours needs to stop trying to be so Politically Correct, and concentrate on becoming Spiritually Correct!

Not too worry; I also have Good News; According to the Word of God; One day Jesus Christ Himself will return and set up His Kingdom here on earth, and He will straighten this World out from all the Sin that has taken its toll on mankind.

Call upon His Name; and He will answer you.


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