The Verse I live by:

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Here is a quick blog entry; I arrived at the church/office on Wednesday morning after having breakfast with some of the guys from the Radio Club that I belong too. I had in mind to finish up preparing the study material for the Wednesday Night Bible Study during the morning. But before I got started, I went (as is the case every week) to check the fuel status of the small van and the minibus that we use to pick up folks for church on Sunday's and Wednesday's. The small van had enough gas so I did not have to go and fill it up. It started right up even though it was about 12° out, which it normally does. 

I went to start the minibus, which is a diesel and is plugged in all that time to keep the engine warm, but when I went to turn the key, it just clicked and nothing else. Great, I checked the log book and saw that it had not been used since December 21st. I wanted to fuel it up, but had to get it started first. I started the small van, which I wanted to do to clean off the snow from the windshield and warm it up so it would be ready later that day to pick up folks for Bible Study. I had jumper cables, which I think everyone should carry, as you never know when you will need them. The cables were connected and the minibus was taking a charge from the small van. 15 minutes later, the minibus started. We let it run for another 15 minutes, then took off for the station to top off the tank. 

Upon returning to the church, we parked the minibus, plugged it back in and we will try on Friday to start it and see how it is doing. We need to have it operational for Sunday morning as there will be 2 or 3 runs made between the two vans in the Van Ministry.

Never a dull moment in the ministry. The remainder of the day was used in going over the study material for Wednesday Night. We even received a call from someone asking us to send the van after a new young person who came to Youth Group and enjoyed the lesson taught by Pastor Shawn, our Youth Pastor. 

That's it for know, another blog entry on Friday. I'll let you know if the minibus will cooperate in starting without any issues. But we'll be ready. Blessings. 

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