The Verse I live by:

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

What Do You See?

Good Evening Everyone:

In the following picture, what do you see?

If you don't see anything special, I understand. There is no one sitting on the chairs, There are no lights on. You see a reflection in the window but for the most part you see nothing special worth mentioning.

Focus on the railing; yes you see a solar powered light on the center post, but that's about it. I am posting this blog about the rail because it is just not a regular railing on our patio. It is, and has become a "Prayer Rail" We live in an apartment building which has 30 apartments, and there is another building next to ours with another 30 apartments.

We have been able to have prayer with one neighbor multiple times, and we were able to have prayer and minister to another neighbor just today, for healing and assurance in his walk with the Lord.

God's Word tells us that we are to be the Light and Salt of the Earth. It also tells us to pray for the sick, spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord tells us to love our neighbor as much as we love our self. As I type this my wife Lynne is next door checking up on a woman who lost her husband several months ago.

So you see; our railing has become a Prayer Rail to minister to the folks around us that God has placed in our lives. Today; as we prayed for our neighbor, there was a sweet presence of the Lord there with us. Once again Lord we thank you for allowing us to be instant in season. Plant the seed, attend church tomorrow and give the Lord Praise, as He alone is worthy......


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