The Verse I live by:

Philippians 4:13 (NIV)
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

God's Not Dead:

"God's Not Dead" 

When the movie "God' Not Dead" first came out, it brought increased faith to those who went to see it. It was an amazing movie to say the least. However; at the end of the movie, cell phones all over the world, came to life with a text stating; "God's Not Dead."

It seems like the very same thing happened again at the end of the sequel, "God's Not Dead 2." The same message went out to family and friends of those who went to see the movie.

After both movies, the texting seem to fade out...but; I would like to remind everyone about a fact, that we must never forget.

He is very much ALIVE:

He is still sitting on His Throne; still watching over His Children; still answering our prayers; still healing, as only He can. We can still be ushered into His Presence; He is as close as the mention of His Name; He is still able to Save us from our sins; He is still in the business of providing for our needs. There is nothing going on in our lives that He is not aware of. He is still all powerful; still all knowing, and still everywhere present. He is Faithful and True and we can still count on Him being with us in all that takes place in our lives.

Yes; my friends; rest assured; "God is NOT DEAD, but VERY MUCH ALIVE:
Thank our Jesus.

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